
The Truth Behind Your Chronic Hives

Hives, also known as urticaria, is a skin condition which is often referred to as an allergic reaction. Urticaria or hives appear in a couple of different forms often hives will appear as hundreds of little bumps usually localized. Hives are often referred to as nettle rash due to there appearance, other symptoms of urticaria appear as ringed swellings which are normally described as weals, both manifestations of urticaria or generally itchy and uncomfortable for sufferers.

In most cases hives or urticaria is put down to an allergic reaction, unfortunately nearly all of these outbreaks are considered idiopathic and acute, hives may involve any area of the body from the scalp to the soles of the feet, and appear very quickly.

Attacks usually last around 24- to 72-hours. The most common sites for outbreaks are the hands, head, and face.

Another associated condition known as Angioedema, is a swelling below the top layer of skin caused by the same allergic mechanism, Angioedema usually occurs around the eyes , the head and in the lips, more serious attacks of angioedema can swell the face and head beyond recognition, while the symptoms usually subside fairly quickly, problems can occur when the swelling affects the upper respiratory tract, in cases of this magnitude medical assistance should be sought immediately as it may be life threatening.

Recent studies indicate about one in five people will suffer with hives at some point in life. They may occur at any age, but most commonly hives tend to start appearing in young adults usually after the age of about 16. The precise cause of urticaria may vary person to person, however pin-pointing a specific attack is almost always very difficult.

Drugs and especially Aspirin sensitivity is common in people who suffer with recurrent outbreaks of hives. Aspirin as with many drugs can with prolonged use thin the lining of the intestines making the gut more permeable to allergens and gastrointestinal infections, increasing the risk of reaction to common food allergens such as dairy products, certain fruits and berries pineapple, and shellfish.

Many sufferers of chronic urticaria or hives may be suffering from an underlying condition related to the gut making sufferers hypersensitive to many different allergens. Gastrointestinal problems may also lead to incomplete digestion, which means the urticaria sufferer's stomach fails to produce enough acid to break down the proteins that cause allergies.

Trials using hydrochloric acid and a vitamin B complex relieved symptoms in many of the patients in a study. This process proved to be more successful with people over the age of 60.

As the body ages it gradually loses it's ability to secrete sufficient gastric acid is especially, this may be a major contributing factor in repeated outbreaks of hives (chronic hives) after consuming food allergens in older persons.

Other considerations for chronic hives cases

Alcohol, NSAIDs, and many food additives have a similar thinning and irritating effect on the gastrointestinal wall. Consuming any substance that irritates the lining of the digestive tract increases the sensitivity to food intolerance and other environmental allergens.

Food colorings, especially Tartrazine, is known to provoke hive attacks in many sufferers. Tartrazine is added to food, drugs in fact almost everything. Tartrazine is a yellow dye which is known to modify the fatty acid metabolism.

Food flavorings, colourings, curry powder, carbonated soft drinks, beer, wine even smoking may all trigger an attack or urticaria. many patients suffering with chronic hives can show an improvement by using a dairy-free diet.

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