
The Effects of Smoking For Urticaria Sufferers

As a smoker I'd heard it all, you know how it goes, the lectures from the government, the disappointing looks from family and friends.

But that didn't bother me at the time, in fact it just got on my nerves if I'm honest.

The problem was I also suffered with chronic idiopathic urticaria which was growing progressively worse by the year.

I'm sure your already quite aware of the bad press smoking gets, especially if your a smoker, and lets be honest we all know smoking is bad for us.

But did you know that smoking can actually be bad for sufferers of urticaria, you might be surprised to know that smoking can have a triggering effect on those suffering with urticaria not to mention other allergies.

Yes it's true I'm afraid, smoking cigarettes increases the probability of developing chronic urticaria. Why?, Inhaling cigarette smoke and nicotine creates excess free radicals in the blood stream.

While we all have these free radicals harmlessly floating about or bodies, excessive amounts can and will disrupt the bodies own immune system leading to auto-immune disorders such as urticaria, angioedema and even rheumatoid arthritis.

So will giving up smoking stop your urticaria attacks? probably not, at least not on it's own but it's a start.

What you need is a natural way of defending your bodies immunity from these excess free radicals and other environmental toxins.

1 comment:

  1. Quitting smoking WILL stop the urticaria attack for sure ! I have try it on my self and it worked . It will not stop after day or two . But after week or two probably will . BUT , quitting smoking is very very difficult . You might fail many times and get the urticaria back to you , but just keep fighting hard and you will make it .
