Urticaria & Angioedema are classified as autoimmune disease's much like Rheumatoid arthritis as well as just being labelled as allergies. An auto immune disease is is a term used to describe a condition in which the body's own defence system or immune cells attack the body's own healthy tissues. Auto-immune disease is also systemic, this means the condition can travel through and effect any part of or in many cases the entire body.
The causes of Angioedema, & Urticaria, are normally labelled as being due to allergic reactions, hereditary, or idiopathic, which means there is no apparent reason for the attacks, surprisingly this is very common especially amongst those of us who have suffered with the chronic version of the disease, and in my case both Urticaria & Angioedema.
Recent studies have discovered that there are far more factors to Angioedema, & Urticaria than was previously thought, factors such as environmental poisons, heavy metal poisoning, parasitical infections, underlying yeast and bacterial disorders. Yes you might think “I know I'm allergic to spicy food” or any number of factors, but ask yourself this question, 'were you always allergic to it or has your allergy developed with age, by age I mean through and past adolescence.
The real question should be why are you allergic to these things, could it be that an underlying condition has made your body's immune system hyper-sensitive.
Apart from the allergy testing and limited blood testing you might be offered, the medication used to treat both conditions currently include Antihistamine H1 - receptor antagonists such as Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), H2 - receptor antagonists like Ranitidine (Zantac), H1/H2- receptor antagonists such as Doxepin (Sinequan), Corticosteroids, and Immunosuppresants.
Did you know that these drugs and immune suppressants our doctors often prescribe to control Urticaria & Angioedema amongst other allergies may actually be contributing to our worsening condition?. These numerous symptomatic drugs cause a build up of toxicity in the body, which damages organs and healthy tissue.
Many of these drugs have been found to cause untold damage to the gastrointestinal wall, even to the extent of causing a particularly nasty condition caused 'leaky gut syndrome', I wont go overboard with the definition of leaky gut, as you might well be eating!, lets just say that it will cause a nasty bacterial infection which untreated can play havoc with the body's fine balance.
So what should you do? Testing, yes you should get tested for the most commonly known underlying conditions which might have a bearing on your Urticaria, List them down, take them to your doctor, ask for his advice, but ultimately ask for the test, and don't let them fob you off with the old “It's Just An Allergy” quip, I suffered for nearly 25 years and those few words thrown at me every time I visited the doctor started to wear a bit thin.
Take a look at a more natural option to your condition, the drugs you have probably been taking over the years aren't really helping you in the long run, you need a viable, natural and most importantly permanent solution to your Angioedema, & Urticaria.
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