
How To Stop Urticaria (Hives) Permanently!

A bold statement I'm sure you will agree, but how is this possible? After all if you speak to your doctor they will probably tell you there is no cure or maybe they will say 'Urticaria is just an allergy' which will probably stop at some time in the future.


I got sick of hearing the same old thing from my doctor time and time again, to the extent that I just suffered at home as I couldn't bring myself to visit my doctor again.

Maybe your the same, perhaps you suffer with chronic urticaria and maybe you have done for some years? If you are a long term sufferer of urticaria you've probably experienced the poor response to your condition, and the inadequate medication offering only symptomatic relief.

How you can cure your Urticaria!

The truth is there really isn't a cure for urticaria, sorry. There is no magic pill which you can take to get rid of your urticaria forever. However, if you move away from the word cure and concentrate on control there is good news.

Through a few simple natural methods I've found that I can control my condition with 100% success, now that might sound like a cure but its not.

To control my urticaria condition I have to use an ongoing process which involves a few changes to my diet and the use of a couple of household items on a daily basis. If I waiver from this process my urticaria returns within days, so I think of it as control and not a cure.

Why does this process work?

The control of urticaria is possible because instead of just being an allergy, urticaria in most cases is an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune diseases are known to be controllable in many cases using simple natural methods and diet changes and urticaria is no exception.

Dealing With Cholinergic Urticaria

Urticaria Caused by Exercise - Cholinergic Urticaria

There are more forms of Urticaria than I care to list here. All of which are are triggered by different things, many of which go undetected for a life time.

Urticaria caused by exercise or over excursion is more commonly known as 'Cholinergic Urticaria' and is one of the most common forms of hives (urticaria).

While this type of urticaria is very common it can still be very annoying to those who suffer repeatedly with the condition. As with many forms of urticaria some people will experience symptoms infrequently (acute) while others will suffer with Cholinergic Urticaria repeatedly (chronic).

Symptoms of Cholinergic Urticaria.

The normal symptoms of this condition manifest themselves as lots of small red hives, they look very much like nettle rash and unlike some other forms of urticaria usually stay that way.

These hives normally occur on the upper half of the body although in some cases they can cover the whole of the body.

Cholinergic Urticaria develops when the body temperature rises through exertion such as exercising normally within about half an hour. They cause the sufferer discomfort, burning sensations and itching.

The actual reason for Urticaria developing after exercise or exertion other than rising body temperature is not known, however in most cases the condition normally disappears just as quickly as it came.

Cholinergic Urticaria Treatment.

Well there is the obvious answer, which I am sure you have seen a hundred times before which is 'reduce strenuous exercise', take cold showers after your work out, which is all well and good.

But wouldn't it make far more sense to tackle the underlying condition which is ultimately causing the problem, surely it's better to never have the condition appear again?.

Drugs aren't the answer as they can make all types of urticaria worse in the long term, the best course of action to begin with is to completely detoxify your body, removing the toxins helps the bodies immune system work properly.

Dealing With Pressure Urticaria

What is pressure Urticaria?

Pressure Urticaria is a condition which occurs after prolonged pressure to areas of the skin. For example, Standing, sitting or kneeling for long periods of time might trigger pressure urticaria.

Tight clothing can also trigger symptoms, especially around the back of the knees and around the armpit area.

Symptoms of pressure urticaria normally manifest themselves as weals or rashes, the same as in most cases of urticaria.

These rashes sometimes occur immediately, however more often than not they will appear some hours later (delayed pressure urticaria).

Pressure Urticaria as with other forms of Urticaria is usually considered a chromic condition. Each attack can last for just hours or may take days to disperse.

The cause of physical urticaria is idiopathic, however recent studies have hinted at the condition being an autoimmune disorder, which puts the condition in the same category as rheumatoid arthritis.

Treating Pressure Urticaria.

Because the condition is idiopathic and more than likely an autoimmune disorder, traditional medicines can have little effect.

Traditional treatments will normally only be symptomatic, which means the underlying reason for the condition is never addressed.

Symptomatic relief is welcomed at the time of the attack, however unless the real cause is treated the attacks will come back and in many cases become more frequent.

How to Treat Pressure Urticaria.

As with any autoimmune disorder the root cause must be addressed, while these underlying factors are never obvious a different approach must be employed if a sufferer is to have any chance of permanent relief.

The process should begin with cutting certain foods from your diet, and an important test you should always ask your doctor for (this one test has helped thousands of urticaria sufferers), you should also look at ways of naturally detoxifying your body.

Obviously this is just a quick glance at how you can combat pressure urticaria but its natural, safe and free to try.

What Causes Urticaria In Children?

Although urticaria is less common in children that in adults, it is without doubt still a problem.

As adults we learn to cope with our conditions and most chronic urticaria suffers will not have experienced their condition until the age of 16+ (most commonly).

Children usually only suffer with acute urticaria, which basically means that they might suffer with one off attacks or at least infrequent.

But what causes children to develop urticaria in the first place?

Urticaria symptoms appear in children as they do in adults. In essence, the child will be exposed to a trigger or allergen. The trigger causes the blood vessels to open allowing chemicals to leak into the area under the skins surface.

This process is responsible for the swelling and the wheals developing on areas of the skin which in some cases can cover the entire body. Unfortunately as with adult urticaria the condition is normally considered idiopathic, which means there is no obvious reason.

Research into urticaria is limited, mainly because its considered to be nothing more that an allergy, which I think is a vast understatement and in most cases a misdiagnoses.

Urticaria Misdiagnoses

Whilst its true to say that the child as with an adult urticaria sufferer may be hypersensitive to certain allergens, I don't believe this is the root cause of the condition.

Many forms of urticaria have been re-categorized as auto-immune diseases, such as RA. Rheumatoid arthritis. I am sure as time goes by this might shed more light on urticaria in its many disguises.

My theory is this, child suffers of acute urticaria have inherited a gene or pre-disposition to urticaria, which ultimately leaves them pre-disposed to allergens from the word go.

How To Treat Urticaria In Children

Most cases of acute urticaria in children will disappear within 24 hours and in many cases never appear again or at least stay infrequent.

In the event of the condition growing more frequent in the child. It is my opinion that food diary's are recorded, keep a list of all of the foods the child consumes, include any drinks in your diary too.

Keeping such a list will help you identify any triggering food allergen.

Avoid white flour or products made with white flour.

Avoid processed foods, crisps, sweets/candy. Easier said that done with children I know. Try supplementing sweets with fruit. Apples contain fantastic antioxidant properties.

Avoid carbonated drinks and use filtered water where possible.

Obviously this is just a quick glance at how you can combat urticaria in children but its natural, safe and free to try.

Dealing with Urticaria (PUPPP) In Pregnancy

Urticuria is another problem that expecting mothers should be aware of.

It is normal for pregnant women to experience urticaria in their third trimester.

The most common skin rash among pregnant women is a condition named pruritic urticarial papules or PUPPP otherwise known as urticaria in pregnancy.

PUPPP is common in first pregnancies however thankfully it is far less of a problem in subsequent pregnancies.

Stretch marks of the abdomen are the most common site to develop urticarial rash PUPPP symptoms. The size of single welts increases gradually and can connect with other welts which gives the appearance of much larger swellings around the abdominal area.

In time, symptoms may spread to other areas including the thighs, buttocks, breasts, and arms. The over all appearance looks like a bad urticaria attack.

As with all forms of urticaria and angioedema the wheals and swellings are very uncomfortable and very itchy.

It has to be said that urticaria in pregnancy is harmless to both the mother and baby, but can be very annoying to live with.

PUPPS (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) will lasts about 6 weeks during pregnancy and normally clears up 2 weeks after delivery without medication or treatments.

Getting help for Urticaria in Pregnancy.

Most triggers of hives are unknown and can be self-treated with different methods, however women who are pregnant should seek professional treatment.

Urticaria Sufferers Can Get Better If They Avoid These Foods

Do you suffer with urticaria (hives), is your condition considered chronic and perhaps idiopathic (no apparent reason)?, well let me tell you your not alone.

I suffered with chronic idiopathic urticaria and angioedema for almost 25 years in total, my condition first appeared at the age of 16 and grew progressively worse with age, perhaps you know the feeling.

Perhaps like me you have spent hours and hours with your doctor or skin specialist trying this drug and that drug and ultimately ending up right where you started, in my experience the drugs and creams had little effect on my condition, and as I look back I'm sure they actually made the frequency of my urticaria and angioedema attacks worse.

For more years than I care to remember I had know idea why I suffered with urticaria (hives), I took everything my doctor told me as fact, however as my condition worsened I started looking around for my own answers.

Although I came across lots of opinions in relation to the cause of chronic urticaria the one that hit me the most was the fact that many forms of urticaria are considered to be an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune disorders account for lots of conditions the most well known being rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes, surprising perhaps to think of something you thought of as just an allergy could be something far more serious.

Autoimmune disorders occur for a number of reasons, the likes of which I won't go into here, however I have discovered that most conditions can be controlled using various natural methods one of which is the avoidance of certain foods.

I'm sure many medical professionals would disagree with some of my findings but in my experience these natural approaches have made a much greater impact on my urticaria condition than any of the drugs had ever done, and lets face it surely it's better to exhaust a natural approach before filling your body full of chemicals?.

So if your having difficulty in controlling your urticaria (hives) here's a list of some of the foods which you should probably try to avoid:


Processed foods which might contain barley or rye

Wheat starch

Wheat germ


Hydrolysed wheat protein


phosphated flour

white flour

Chips/potato crisps and seasoned tortilla chips.

Although this is just a small list of some of some of the foods those of us suffering with autoimmune disorders should try to avoid, in our case urticaria I hope it will get you started.

I guess what I'm trying to say is the answer to your chronic idiopathic urticaria doesn't have to stop at the daily antihistamine, the course of steroids or even the occasional jab of cortisone

Chronic Urticaria-Why Drinking Tap Water Can Make Your Urticaria Worse

Do you suffer with urticaria? Do you suffer from acute infrequent attacks or perhaps you have a chronic urticaria condition?

Your not alone, in fact urticaria (Hives) are becoming more and more common by the year, and it is not hard to determine the reason.

Large industry and governments will be the last to tell you of the detrimental effect of todays environment.

With all the toxins pumped into the air and the water is it any wonder our immune systems are starting to break down?

Do you ever wonder exactly what your eating or indeed breathing in on a daily basis?If your of a certain age, you'll probably remember a a time when allergies were far less common not to mention obesity and even cancer.

Perhaps our esteemed leaders are not telling us everything and if that is the case we all have to start taking responsibility for our own health.

What should you avoid to combat your urticaria condition? Should you cut out pre-cooked foods? Should you avoid foods with lots of colourings and preservatives?

Well the answer is probably yes. You can spot these obvious allergens, however you might not be able to avoid every trigger as many are unseen and unavoidable.

So how can you stop suffering with urticaria without taking constant antihistamine? A great way of flushing toxins from your body is by consuming water.

Drinking water and plenty of it should never be disregarded as its detoxifying properties are excellent, but there is a problem.

Drinking ordinary tap water is not the same as it once was. This is due mainly to the high level of heavy metals contained in ordinary drinking water.

These heavy metals collect and deposit themselves within the body and are very difficult to disperse.

Drinking 2 liters of tap water used to be considered a good way of flushing the system and thus addressing conditions such as urticaria. With the ever growing number of toxins including heavy metals contained in the water this might actually make things worse.

So should you avoid tap water? No, as in the past drinking plenty of water (around 2 liters) a day will have beneficial effects for you and for your condition.

What you need to do is continue drinking 2 liters of water a day, but filter the water. There are plenty of cheap filtering jugs available on the market today. Get one and filter out the toxins.

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria Caused by Environmental Allergens Beyond Your Control.

A sad fact for those of us who suffer with chronic idiopathic urticaria (hives).The truth is our condition is growing more and more common and the reason is our environment.

Yes our everyday life is scattered with allergens and triggers. The very environment we live our lives in is the main factor in causing your skin condition.

What makes this fact even more annoying is the fact that the very allergens which trigger urticaria are unavoidable.

If you have suffered with urticaria as I have you will have no doubt visited your doctor or specialist and had the relevant allergy tests along with numerous blood tests.

Perhaps you were lucky enough to uncover some of the allergens specific to your urticaria. But did you ask why you have developed allergies. For example dairy products, or maybe haircare products; such as hairspray and even perfume?

Let me tell you, the reason you might be able to eat your favorite cheese for years and then all of a sudden become completely allergic to. It has little to do with the cheese itself, It has far more to do with a build up of toxins caused by the environment.

Environmental allergens are everywhere. From the water you drink, which might contain heavy metals to the steroid laced milk and genetically modified wheat products. Even the deodorant you use to keep yourself fresh due to its aluminum content.

You guessed it; there is no escape. You just cannot avoid coming into contact with those allergens. Well that is unless you do a Michael Jackson and start living inside an oxygen bubble.

So what can we do? Do we have to just put up with the constant hives, the unsightly urticaria wheels? No, absolutely not. Yes there will always be allergens surrounding you daily.

But what if you could flush the toxin build up from your body on a daily basis. If you know how, this is very easy and more importantly this is possible without the need for any drugs or doctors.

Use Your Acute Urticaria to Avoid Chronic Urticaria Developing.

Acute urticaria can be diagnosed by how often the condition appears. Symptoms which last for less than 3 weeks are normally labeled as acute rather than chronic. While acute urticaria may not seem serious and in many cases its not. You might want to consider the future.

What do I mean?

My urticaria episodes started at the age of sixteen. They were infrequent and so I took little notice, but fast forward 25 years and that infrequent skin condition took over my life.

Acute urticaria is a warning of things to come in many cases. So what should you do?

Pin pointing the trigger for acute urticaria is so much easier than trying to discover the reasons for chronic idiopathic urticaria 10 or so years later.

When symptoms of acute urticaria first appear make a list of foods you've consumed over the previous 2 days. List all of the cosmetics, haircare products, perfumes, soaps and deodorants you've used in the last couple of days. Maybe you have had a couple of drinks? List them as well.

Don't be too concerned with only listing new products or foods that you have used as urticaria can be attributed to a build up of toxins over time. For example; Perhaps you have eaten cheese for the last 10 years without any problems. This does not mean that cheese is not a trigger.

The bodies digestive and immune system can deal with most allergens in small infrequent doses but over time the build up can overcome the bodies own defense system hence causing a particular food etc that you've eaten and enjoyed for years to become one of your urticaria triggers.

Keep your list handy, cut everything on the list from your diet and life in the short term. After a couple of weeks start re-introducing one of the products or foods in turn. Do this until you find the allergen which is responsible.

Keeping a diary of foods and products which might be urticaria triggers will help you cut the offending products from your everyday life. Which will help you avoid your acute urticaria turning into a chronic condition later in life.

The Effects of Smoking For Urticaria Sufferers

As a smoker I'd heard it all, you know how it goes, the lectures from the government, the disappointing looks from family and friends.

But that didn't bother me at the time, in fact it just got on my nerves if I'm honest.

The problem was I also suffered with chronic idiopathic urticaria which was growing progressively worse by the year.

I'm sure your already quite aware of the bad press smoking gets, especially if your a smoker, and lets be honest we all know smoking is bad for us.

But did you know that smoking can actually be bad for sufferers of urticaria, you might be surprised to know that smoking can have a triggering effect on those suffering with urticaria not to mention other allergies.

Yes it's true I'm afraid, smoking cigarettes increases the probability of developing chronic urticaria. Why?, Inhaling cigarette smoke and nicotine creates excess free radicals in the blood stream.

While we all have these free radicals harmlessly floating about or bodies, excessive amounts can and will disrupt the bodies own immune system leading to auto-immune disorders such as urticaria, angioedema and even rheumatoid arthritis.

So will giving up smoking stop your urticaria attacks? probably not, at least not on it's own but it's a start.

What you need is a natural way of defending your bodies immunity from these excess free radicals and other environmental toxins.

The Truth Behind Your Chronic Hives

Hives, also known as urticaria, is a skin condition which is often referred to as an allergic reaction. Urticaria or hives appear in a couple of different forms often hives will appear as hundreds of little bumps usually localized. Hives are often referred to as nettle rash due to there appearance, other symptoms of urticaria appear as ringed swellings which are normally described as weals, both manifestations of urticaria or generally itchy and uncomfortable for sufferers.

In most cases hives or urticaria is put down to an allergic reaction, unfortunately nearly all of these outbreaks are considered idiopathic and acute, hives may involve any area of the body from the scalp to the soles of the feet, and appear very quickly.

Attacks usually last around 24- to 72-hours. The most common sites for outbreaks are the hands, head, and face.

Another associated condition known as Angioedema, is a swelling below the top layer of skin caused by the same allergic mechanism, Angioedema usually occurs around the eyes , the head and in the lips, more serious attacks of angioedema can swell the face and head beyond recognition, while the symptoms usually subside fairly quickly, problems can occur when the swelling affects the upper respiratory tract, in cases of this magnitude medical assistance should be sought immediately as it may be life threatening.

Recent studies indicate about one in five people will suffer with hives at some point in life. They may occur at any age, but most commonly hives tend to start appearing in young adults usually after the age of about 16. The precise cause of urticaria may vary person to person, however pin-pointing a specific attack is almost always very difficult.

Drugs and especially Aspirin sensitivity is common in people who suffer with recurrent outbreaks of hives. Aspirin as with many drugs can with prolonged use thin the lining of the intestines making the gut more permeable to allergens and gastrointestinal infections, increasing the risk of reaction to common food allergens such as dairy products, certain fruits and berries pineapple, and shellfish.

Many sufferers of chronic urticaria or hives may be suffering from an underlying condition related to the gut making sufferers hypersensitive to many different allergens. Gastrointestinal problems may also lead to incomplete digestion, which means the urticaria sufferer's stomach fails to produce enough acid to break down the proteins that cause allergies.

Trials using hydrochloric acid and a vitamin B complex relieved symptoms in many of the patients in a study. This process proved to be more successful with people over the age of 60.

As the body ages it gradually loses it's ability to secrete sufficient gastric acid is especially, this may be a major contributing factor in repeated outbreaks of hives (chronic hives) after consuming food allergens in older persons.

Other considerations for chronic hives cases

Alcohol, NSAIDs, and many food additives have a similar thinning and irritating effect on the gastrointestinal wall. Consuming any substance that irritates the lining of the digestive tract increases the sensitivity to food intolerance and other environmental allergens.

Food colorings, especially Tartrazine, is known to provoke hive attacks in many sufferers. Tartrazine is added to food, drugs in fact almost everything. Tartrazine is a yellow dye which is known to modify the fatty acid metabolism.

Food flavorings, colourings, curry powder, carbonated soft drinks, beer, wine even smoking may all trigger an attack or urticaria. many patients suffering with chronic hives can show an improvement by using a dairy-free diet.

Help For Chronic Urticaria & Angioedema Sufferers

Urticaria & Angioedema are classified as autoimmune disease's much like Rheumatoid arthritis as well as just being labelled as allergies. An auto immune disease is is a term used to describe a condition in which the body's own defence system or immune cells attack the body's own healthy tissues. Auto-immune disease is also systemic, this means the condition can travel through and effect any part of or in many cases the entire body.

The causes of Angioedema, & Urticaria, are normally labelled as being due to allergic reactions, hereditary, or idiopathic, which means there is no apparent reason for the attacks, surprisingly this is very common especially amongst those of us who have suffered with the chronic version of the disease, and in my case both Urticaria & Angioedema.

Recent studies have discovered that there are far more factors to Angioedema, & Urticaria than was previously thought, factors such as environmental poisons, heavy metal poisoning, parasitical infections, underlying yeast and bacterial disorders. Yes you might think “I know I'm allergic to spicy food” or any number of factors, but ask yourself this question, 'were you always allergic to it or has your allergy developed with age, by age I mean through and past adolescence.

The real question should be why are you allergic to these things, could it be that an underlying condition has made your body's immune system hyper-sensitive.

Apart from the allergy testing and limited blood testing you might be offered, the medication used to treat both conditions currently include Antihistamine H1 - receptor antagonists such as Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), H2 - receptor antagonists like Ranitidine (Zantac), H1/H2- receptor antagonists such as Doxepin (Sinequan), Corticosteroids, and Immunosuppresants.

Did you know that these drugs and immune suppressants our doctors often prescribe to control Urticaria & Angioedema amongst other allergies may actually be contributing to our worsening condition?. These numerous symptomatic drugs cause a build up of toxicity in the body, which damages organs and healthy tissue.

Many of these drugs have been found to cause untold damage to the gastrointestinal wall, even to the extent of causing a particularly nasty condition caused 'leaky gut syndrome', I wont go overboard with the definition of leaky gut, as you might well be eating!, lets just say that it will cause a nasty bacterial infection which untreated can play havoc with the body's fine balance.

So what should you do? Testing, yes you should get tested for the most commonly known underlying conditions which might have a bearing on your Urticaria, List them down, take them to your doctor, ask for his advice, but ultimately ask for the test, and don't let them fob you off with the old “It's Just An Allergy” quip, I suffered for nearly 25 years and those few words thrown at me every time I visited the doctor started to wear a bit thin.

Take a look at a more natural option to your condition, the drugs you have probably been taking over the years aren't really helping you in the long run, you need a viable, natural and most importantly permanent solution to your Angioedema, & Urticaria.

Idiopathic Urticaria

Idiopathic is a term used to describe a condition which has unknown causes and or triggers.
Hives also known as Urticaria can be attributed to many triggers and is often described as an allergic reaction to a drug or food, and while this may seem to be the case for many, the actual reason for many cases of Urticaria, especially the chronic version may actually be far more complex.

What does Urticaria look like

The symptoms of Urticaria usually appear as either lots of small to medium sized bumps, much like nettle rash (hives), or they can be round, inflamed rings or large patches which often expand into each other, sometimes covering a large area of the body.

Urticaria and Angioedema

Dramatic swelling reactions can occur, such as swelling of the lips, eyes, and ears can suddenly and grotesquely alter the appearance of an allergy victim. Swelling of the lips and tongue may occur immediately after eating a food and may be life-threatening because of airway obstruction.

Cases of dramatic swelling are normally the result of having two conditions, Urticaria and Angioedema, Urticaria and Angiodema form in response to histamine, blood plasma leaks out of small blood vessels in the skin which causes the swelling.

Urticaria and Angioedema can occur at any age and may come and go throughout a lifetime. Angioedema typically causes swelling of the face, head, eye lids, lips, larynx even the lining of the stomach and intestines (causing abdominal pain).

Urticaria-What's The Difference Between Acute & chronic

Acute Urticaria is is normally diagnosed if it has been present for less than 6 weeks. The symptoms of acute Urticaria usually go within a couple of days to a few weeks.

Chronic Urticaria is defined as Urticaria that has been continuously or intermittently present for at over 6 weeks, chronic Urticaria can persist for years in some cases, with symptoms ranging from itchy bumps to inflamed skin lesions (weal's), and in more serious cases can be accompanied by something called Angiodema, which causes severe swelling.

Urticaria occurs following release of histamine in the skin which causes the small blood vessels near the skin's surface (mast cells) to leak fluid, hence causing the irritation and swelling consistent with the condition.

Urticaria has four major mechanisms. Most commonly, it is a manifestation of acute immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated hypersensitivity with histamine and other vasoactive peptides released from mast cells and basophils.

Non immunologic Urticaria occurs when an exogenous substance results in mast cell de granulation either by direct stimulation of the mast cell or by unknown mechanisms such as underlying conditions, aspirin and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also thought to cause Urticaria by a non-mast cell mechanism,

Some of the causes of Urticaria may be:

2.Environmental factors.(for example, heavy metal in drinking water)
3.Drugs.(due to toxicity build up in the body).
5.Emotional factors( stress).
6.Underlying viral and bacterial conditions (associated with the gut)
7.Chemicals and solvents
8.Food intolerances
9.Food additives, colourings and preservatives.
10.Smoking (due to the release of excess free radicals in to the blood stream)

Symptoms of Urticaria

1.Rash (swelling, weal's, bumps)

Chronic Urticaria-10 Tips For Short Term Relief

Here's a list of some helpful tips to relieve Urticaria in the short term.

1.Apply milk of magnesia to the lesions, this provides some relief, as milk of magnesia is an alkaline solution it helps in removing the irritation.

2.Stop the itching get 1/2 a tub filled with warm water, add 1/2 cup cornstarch and 1/2 cup baking soda. Soaking yourself at least once a day can make a lot of difference.

3.Applying aloe vera gel or vitamin E oil to the affected area at least twice a day can benefit you a lot.

4.Have nettle tea which is made by 2 tsp. powdered stinging nettles. You can add honey or lemon to add flavour to your tea.

5.Consume cayenne pepper capsules to help the healing procedure. You can also have vitamin C, vitamin E or zinc for quick relief.

6.Herbal tea is very good for health. To soothe your nerves, go in for peppermint or passionflower tea. Other good options include chamomile, valerian and green tea.

7.To relieve pain, apply cool compression on the affected area.

8.Make a paste with 2 cups of oatmeal and 3 tablespoons of cornstarch. Add a little water to make it into a paste. Apply to affected area for 15-30 minutes. It dries the hives up within a couple of hours.

9.Take cayenne pepper in capsule form to aid the healing process.

10.Take an Ice cold shower or bath

Kate Andrews is the author of 'Natural Urticaria Relief' which is designed to help chronic sufferers of urticaria relive their condition naturally, & permenantly.


What Is Chronic Urticaria

Chronic urticaria is an allergic skin rash that lasts longer than six weeks and in many cases for years. Urticaria or hives, nettle rash, as it is sometimes referred to is often brought on by an allergen which amongst other things may be brought on by pet dander, chemicals and solvents, insect stings and bites, medicine or food intolerances, alcohol.

However the real reason for urticaria attacks, especially chronic urticaria is usually far more complex and in many cases can be directly attributed to an underlying gut infection which makes the body highly sensitive to everyday allergens.

The rash is normally composed of round inflamed areas or oval bumps on the skin, sometimes red in colour and often itchy. They are caused by the release of histamines in the skin which causes the small blood vessels near the skin's surface to leak fluid, hence causing the irritation and swelling consistent with the condition.

Treating chronic urticaria is very difficult as most allergy testing will be inconclusive in many cases, some minor attacks symptoms can be relieved by treating the itching with calamine lotion,. Calamine lotion is a proven way to soothe the skin and decrease itching, however this is no way a cure for urticaria.

Antihistamines taken orally or applied topically are among the most widespread treatment options for such skin disorders, antihistamine can be taken to combat an isolated attack of urticaria (acute urticaria), for cases of chronic urticaria many practitioners prescribe a daily dose to de-sensitize and reduce attacks. This works for some, but not so for others(I'm testament to this)

There is also a wide variety of herbs that can impair histamine production, speeding the recovery time and minimizing itchiness. These include Paeonia and Forsythia extract, which can be found in a variety of dietary supplements. Green tea can help due to it's antihistamine & detoxifying properties.

There are lots of different types of urticaria, all triggered by different things such as solar urticaria which can be brought on by prolonged exposure to sunlight, others can be triggered by extreme temperatures, acute stress, or a sudden increase in body temperature due to exercise or climate even tight clothing.

If you find yourself breaking out in hives or weels and think that you may have chronic urticaria or acute urticaria, you should call your doctor, especially if you have just started taking a new medication or were stung by a bee or other insect.

Kate Andrews is the autor of 'Natural Urticaria relief' which discribes a natural approach to tackling urticaria by addressing the underlying causes. The publication shows you exactly how to copy the simple method and treat your own condition at home no matter how severe your urticaria.